Learn all about CCS!
The Chicago Computer Society (CCS) caters to a diverse audience, from new users to IT professionals, allowing them to share their knowledge and learn from others. As the largest technology user group in the Chicago area, CCS has three regional tech clubs and two Special Interest Groups (SIGs) that meet regularly in Chicagoland. In addition, our group provides various networking and learning opportunities for both members and guests. For beginners, joining CCS is where they can learn how to maximize the use of their tech devices with minimal confusion. CCS is an excellent place for experts to connect with like-minded individuals, expand their knowledge, showcase their skills, and assist members.
We welcome you to attend our meetings, engage with our members, and explore our website to discover what CCS can offer you!
Mission Statement
The Chicago Computer Society is a non-profit organization providing educational and informational opportunities for its members. Through interaction with each other and with vendors, members expand their knowledge, understanding, and productive use of personal computer software and hardware.
The Society receives its vitality from members volunteering their time and talents to create services for fellow members. In meetings and events held throughout Chicagoland, our members contribute these services in turn to the community.
The society constructively influences the development of software and hardware by encouraging the participation of publishers and manufacturers in activities through which members voice their ideas and concerns regarding future products.
— adopted on December 15, 1990